Carnegie Arts Centre Kenmare

Weddings at The Carnegie

The Carnegie Arts Centre, in Kenmare is a wonderful location for your wedding. Nestled peacefully at the mouth of the Kenmare Bay, a visit to Kenmare leaves lasting memories with its colourful shop fronts, unrivalled range of restaurants and stunning scenery.

Below please find details on how to go about having your civil wedding at The Carnegie Arts Centre in Kenmare. Your civil ceremony which will conducted by the registrar, Mary T O Shea who is based in Killarney.

Official guidelines from the Registrar are laid out below:

  • Ceremonies are not permitted outside and the room must be accessible to the general public for the duration of the ceremony.
  • No alcohol may be consumed or be available in the room one hour prior to and for the duration of the ceremony. No religious artifacts, icons or symbols may be displayed in the room.
  • A notice must be prominently displayed in The Foyer with details of intended spouses attending the Civil Marriage & Ceremony time.
  • Any person wishing to make contact with The Registrar must be allowed to do so

Some photos of weddings we have hosted:

For more technical information regarding the building, facilities and equipment please visit our Theatre Specifications section.

For further information, viewing of the theatre or to check availability please contact the theatre manager, Claire Bunbury directly by email at or by telephone on +353 64 6648701.